Jared White

Vice President of Real Estate Operations at Realoq - CMLX2, Red-B, RCE. Accomplished business professional with proven results in developing and implementing cutting edge strategies that support business and financial objectives. LinkedIn

Enhancing Property Value with Feng Shui

Feng Shui IV

Feng Shui, which translates to “wind water” in English, is an ancient Chinese philosophy that focuses on maximizing the flow of positive energy, known as qi (pronounced “chee”), in living spaces to promote harmony with one’s surroundings.  Feng Shui has been increasingly incorporated into interior design and architecture in the West to create more aesthetically

Enhancing Property Value with Feng Shui Read More »

What is Important in Real Estate Property Evaluation?

Property Evaluation

Real estate property evaluation requires a thorough and strategic eye to determine its current and potential value. As an investor or homebuyer, arming yourself with the knowledge to conduct a robust property assessment enables prudent decision-making when selecting real estate. This comprehensive guide explores all integral facets of property valuation. Pinpointing an Ideal Location A

What is Important in Real Estate Property Evaluation? Read More »

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