Jared White

Vice President of Real Estate Operations at Realoq - CMLX2, Red-B, RCE. Accomplished business professional with proven results in developing and implementing cutting edge strategies that support business and financial objectives. LinkedIn

10 Major Factors that Influence California Home Values in 2024

10 Major Factors that Influence California Home Values in 2024

California’s real estate market is one of the most expensive and volatile in the United States. Complex economic, demographic, geographic, and regulatory forces are in charge of controlling home values.  For homeowners, buyers, sellers, investors, and policymakers navigating this rapidly changing market, it is important to understand what really drives up property prices. This article

10 Major Factors that Influence California Home Values in 2024 Read More »

Everything You Need to Know About the California Real Estate Market | 2024

Everything You Need to Know About the California Real Estate Market | 2024

As someone who’s been keeping a close eye on the California Real Estate Market, I wanted to share some insights and personal experiences to help you navigate this exciting and sometimes unpredictable landscape. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive deep into the trends, challenges, and opportunities that define this one-of-a-kind market. The factors propelling

Everything You Need to Know About the California Real Estate Market | 2024 Read More »

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